Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New What?

[They took my jungle gym.]

Ruru the Cat here.  Humans are weird.  First, they put up my lovely, green jungle gym full of dangly, shiny stuff, then they take it down a little while later.  They put out these blinky lights outside my house, so we could chase them in the window, then they turned them off and put them away. They also stuck stuff with highly rippable paper under my jungle gym and covered it in plastic, so we couldn't even sharpen our claws properly on it.  I just don't understand that at all.  

[My weird brother licking plastic.]

Then, they put up a whole table full of munchies like cheese and crackers and stuff and said happy new year, like it's not the same old everything except they took away my jungle gym.  And though some of the cats got to lick the plastic on the munchies (weirdos!) the rest of us didn't get more than a morsel or two.  Except the new kitten baby, who got special privileges because the adult male seems to like her better than the rest of us.  And they do all this every year.  I can't figure it out. 

[Stalking the munchies.]

All I can say is humans are strange. But I'll keep them around as long as they throw me bits of ham and cheese on occasion.  That almost makes up for being such odd and misbehaved pets.  

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