Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fuzzy Shoulder Angel

I am so tiny, I have a hard time seeing anything above ankle level.  I'm even smaller than my brother from the same litter, a little shorter but 1/3 his weight.  I don't like that I can't see anything, especially when I smell food.  So when Mommy is making lunch, I climb her leg from the floor to her shoulder to watch what she's doing.  I'm ready to assist her in eating meat and cheese at a moment's notice because I'm sweet that way.  I really like helping. But sometimes, people get kind of upset when I try to climb them with my little claws.  I don't get it.  I guess they don't understand how sweet I can be for them in case they have any extra food.  All I want to do is sit like a shoulder angel and descend like a predator onto unsuspecting cheese.  I guess I'll go climb Mommy instead.  

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Companion Cat

My people heard of a sweet, elderly lady who was sad that her husband had died. The daughter of this sweet lady was worried that she was all alone and needed someone to live for and be her friend.  So she called and asked about us kittens.  The sweet lady wanted a girl kitten, but the only ones left [other than me] were boys.  But then my people decided to give away the cat in the picture, Cleo, to help that sweet lady get her smile back.

The sweet lady showed up, ready for Cleo with an entire box of cat food.  And now, that lady has someone to love and someone to live for.  And Cleo no longer has to fight with the dogs, who chased her around, or us kittens, who she didn't like very well.  I think she'll be much happier there.  I'm much happier with her there, too, because she no longer hisses at me.  Have a happy life, Cleo and sweet lady!