Sunday, June 25, 2017

Cats Don't Cry

Ruru the Cat here.  My person thinks I cry.  She points out the wet stuff that comes out of my eyes everytime she comes back from being gone FOREVER.  I don't cry.  I'm a cat, and cats don't cry.  Those are NOT tears.  

She was gone again this week for TWO WHOLE DAYS.  I wandered around like a lost soul.  I kept wandering upstairs, just sure she was there.  But she wasn't.  Then I'd go downstairs, sure she was there.  She wasn't there, either.  I didn't think it was POSSIBLE that she'd leave me again for so long, but she did.  I can't imagine why she would leave this house when I'm here.  What could be out there that would be more interesting that snuggling me to sleep and tucking me in with my stuffed leopard?  Her world REVOLVES around me, but she keeps leaving.  I mean, her cousins were here and offered to pet me, but it's just not the same thing.  

Okay, so maybe I cried a little when she finally came home.  But only a little bit.  She had to know it's a TRAGEDY every time she leaves me!  Every time!  Okay, maybe I cried a lot, but don't tell her that.  Izzy the Dog hasn't stopped laughing at me.  I'm still a panther, a killer of mice and master of my world.  Just don't let her leave me again.  

Sunday, June 18, 2017

My (mostly) well-trained person

Ruru the cat here.  My person is nice to have around.  If I really don't feel like walking all the way upstairs, I can usually talk her into taking me there.  If I need to be loved, she can be trusted to hunt me down where I pretend to hide and act like I don't want love, so she can snuggle me and rearrange my ears.  She wants me to sit on her lap like a person, laughs, and calls people over to show them.  Okay.  I can handle that as long as she keeps the food coming.  I will tolerate a lot.  

But recently, she's developed the most annoying habit of shoving my face in this clear, flat thing where there's a portal to a scary, unfamiliar cat that smells funny.  My person calls it a "mirror." I've told her I don't like it at all.   That other, odorless cat scares me.  Creeps me out.  I don't know what it's going to do to me.  I like cats I can smell and beat up on if they sit in my spot.  This one stares at me and hisses at me and pushes away from me as if I scare it, too.  Get thee hence, mirror monster.  

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Don't leave me!

Ruru the Cat here.  My person left me for two whole days!  Two!  Nobody seemed to know where they went.  They rushed around like they were going somewhere, packing stuff into bags and feeding us extra.  But I didn't think they'd actually do it.  I mean, my person's world revolves around me.  Every night, she tucks me in with my little plush snow leopard and snuggles me until we both go to sleep.  First thing in the morning, she wants to snuggle me and only me.  As often as she can, she wants to hold me and talk about how fat I am and tell me how much she loves me and rearrange my face.  But then she LEFT me.  ME.  Her precious fat cat.

I spent the first day telling myself that she was coming right back, that she just fed us extra because she really is that sweet.  But when it got later and later and later, and I hadn't been tucked in with my leopard, I felt so lost.  I had to spend the night on a sofa like a normal cat.  But I'm NOT a normal cat.  The next day I told myself the whole day she was coming back.  I lurked by the door, sure she would be back at any time.  I mean, she didn't give us THAT much extra food.  But the day came and went, and she did not come back.  I thought I was going to DIE!

When the third day rolled around, and she wasn't home yet, I started making plans to get out of the house somehow and find her.  I couldn't believe this.  But I couldn't find a way out.  What was I going to DO?  Then, just like that, my person came back.  I didn't want to let her out of my sight, not for a second.  She held me and loved me and made sure I had my plush leopard as I went to sleep.  But that wasn't enough for me.  As soon as my person went to sleep, I had to chase around my person's mom and dad to make sure I got all the love I could.  How do I ground my person?  I want to make sure she never does this again!

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Ruru the Cat here.  I kept wondering why my person didn't go to school and didn't go to school and didn't go to school day after day.  I keep hearing about this thing called "summer vacation."  I think that may have something to do with it.  I'm not complaining, mind you.  She's just here most of the time, loving me and playing with me and hugging me as often as she finds me.  Okay, I'll be honest.  It can get a bit old.  She wants to boop my nose all the time.  She wants to rearrange my face, my beautiful face.  She wants to haul me around.  Most of the time, there's nothing more exciting than being her teddy bear as she tucks me in with her and snuggles me to sleep.  But there are times when she pushes her luck and forgets I have claws and teeth.  I have to gently remind her.  With my claws or teeth.

Today, I decided I needed a break from all that.  And someone wasn't watching the door very closely.  And the weather was nice.  And outdoors smelled really interesting.  So I went to the backyard, where I'm not supposed to be.  It felt nice.  Sun on my fur was good.  But then somebody saw me and cornered me and brought me inside.  Seriously?  What good is perfect weather if I can't be out in it, hiding from booping?  Overall, though, this summer stuff isn't half bad.