Monday, June 3, 2019

MORE Alien Invaders?

[Me, not needing a toddler in my house]

Ruru the Cat here.  My people do some pretty awesome things.  Like glorify cats in short stories.  Like snuggle me when I want to be snuggled.  Like feed me.  There are times humans are well-behaved like proper pets should be.  Then again, there are times that humans are straight up misbehaved, like when they let little kids in my house without my permission.

[Alien invaders!] 
I mean, I've blogged about this, right?  So everyone should know how much I hate alien humans invading my peaceful little house.  The one good thing is they didn't bring any mutts or foreign cats.  The not so good thing is they brought in a toddler to slap dogs (and cats, given the chance), a little girl to bounce all over and throw stuff, and a bigger boy to...well, basically ignore us, so he can stare at that flat mechanical thingy all humans around here stare at all the time.  I didn't mind that one.  But the little ones ... we know what little ones do.  They throw the doggie kibble around instead of letting me steal it, put human cooties in my water, take up all the space, make a lot of noise, and generally make it so I want to run and hide and wish them away. 

At least they disappeared quickly this time, leaving behind cheese and meat on bread (I think they call it pizza) to share with us.  So it wasn't all bad.  But humans, take note, those smaller humans are trouble.  Ban them.  Outlaw them.  Do whatever you have to do to make sure they don't invade my house. 

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