Sunday, August 28, 2016

She's Leaving Me!

Ruru the Cat here.  I had such a lovely summer.  I had my person here to love me and snuggle me every day.  She spent all day long patting me and holding me.  It was so nice.

Now, every day, she goes away in the morning and doesn't come back until hours and hours and hours later.  I keep hearing this nasty word "school."  I don't know what it is exactly, but I seem to remember bad things about it, like lots of kids patting me and no food anywhere and this long, awful car drive.  Terrible experience, this school stuff.  And it keeps stealing my person every day except for, like, two days at a time.  I don't get what that's about.  But I live for those days.  They're heaven.  My person is back on those days, spending all day long, holding me and snuggling me.  Curse you, school thing.  Give me my person back.

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