Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Ruru the Cat here.  The most awesome thing in the universe showed up in my house this week.  I don't know what it is exactly, but it's like a box but it's SOFT, so it's even better to sleep in.  We are constantly at war over the nifty thing.  Anytime anyone clears out of it, someone else gets in.  Even the stupid puppy, who is, by the way, too long and lanky to fit into it, takes a turn.  It's so cool.  Nowhere else in the universe [besides the arms of my person] feels quite so good.

Then I guess that stupid puppy decided it was hers.  Why?  I don't know.  Maybe because it smells like some other dog I've never met.  But she started gutting it like it was prey.  Little bits of fluff spread across the floor.  Seriously?  We all fell in love with this thing, and now you're chewing it up like it's some bone or treat?  I knew that dog was trouble.  And now, the people have disappeared the wonderful thing.  Just because the puppy made a mess with it.  Man, why ever did we get that puppy?

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