Sunday, February 21, 2021

Steak! Want!


[My meat.]

Ruru the Cat here.  So, my people are cruel, heartless meanies.  First, the big adult male ran by me and waved RAW MEAT in my face.  Like meat.  Real meat.  But he didn't give me any.  Really?  You can't promise something like that and not deliver.  I'll bet he ate it all himself.  Then, the adult female human opened the fridge AND DIDN'T GIVE ME CHEESE.  Are you getting the level of sadism, of absolute depravity to which these humans stoop?  

[Just another inch this way.]

Then, that same male adult (I will not call him by name--he deserves no such respect) walked by with COOKED MEAT, waved it in front of my very receptive nose, and DID NOT GIVE ME ANY.  Really.  I'm not making this up.  Can you believe how horrible these people are?  On the bright side, after they'd eaten most of it (without sharing even a sniff), they finally started tossing bits of fat at us.  My person finally gave me some, as did the other humans.  

[Does this dog LOOK like a cat?  How does he deserve my steak?]

But here's the worst of all.  They also shared some of it and even handed their plates to lick to the DOGS.  The dogs.  I just can't.  I can't.  Humans don't get it.  Cats deserve all the meat in the world.  We are their rulers.  Dogs are mere servants, and not very good ones at that.  I think I need to find better humans, ones that understand how to properly treat meat.  And cats. 

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