[Wearing costumes=misery]
Ruru the Cat here. I've told you how much I don't like puppies. I've told you how I really really don't like to be dressed up in a costume or any clothing at all. Now, imagine those nasty things combined, costume PLUS puppy. Yeah, my person put me through that. Not kidding. I think she must hate me. I love having her around more...except when she pulls crap like this.
[This feels like a personal threat.]
Have you seen what puppies do to stuffed animals? That annoying Bean's favorite hobby, other than trying to kill his equally annoying sister, is trying to chew the limbs off his stuffed monkey. Puppies are all about destroying and unstuffing stuffed anything.
[Deepest level of hell.]
So now, imagine me wearing something that makes me look like a stuffed animal. Yeah. Both puppies decided it was tug-of-war time with ME. My people hate me. Truly.
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