Sunday, April 5, 2020

New Thing in My House

[The old sofa was fine.  Why do we need to change it?]

Ruru the Cat here.  So a thing happened.  I don't know that it's a big thing.  My people got rid of the old sofa and replaced It with a big thing that takes up all the space.  On the bright side, I can get behind it and look around for mice.  On the not so bright side, the other cats are often back there, too.  I really don't get much use out of it, so I don't know why anyone would want to do a thing like this.  I just don't like change, and no one asked my permission.  

[Did I mention it smells like someone else's dog?]

Wheeeeee!  This is Bean the puppy!  I can bounce and bounce and play on it and run across it back and forth across every person.  It's so bouncy!  My people are right there, all in a row, so I can bounce off all of them!  I can make footprints and bounce and bounce and bounce!  I love it!  I miss the spot on the old sofa where we could scratch at it and make a hole bigger.  It was great.  But this is good, too!

[The annoying puppies on the old recliner, which also left.]

Well, as long as the annoying hairball is messing around downstairs, he doesn't invade my turf.  But sometimes, the people stick him in my room.  As long as he has his bouncy, happy play space downstairs, I don't think that's necessary.  So keep the hairball away.  Or better yet, send him to wherever you sent the old sofa.  Yeah.  Do that.  You do have my permission for that. 

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