Monday, June 25, 2018

Summertime Blues

[Feeling alone and forsaken.]

Ruru the Cat here.  My person is a big fat jerk.  She LEFT me for FOUR WHOLE DAYS!!!!  Four days!  Cats just don't live as long as people.  You may call it four days, but I call it a BAZILLION days 'cuz that's what it felt like.  It was great to have a break from the dogs.  And I loved that my person left the whole barrel of cat food open, so I could get as much as I could cram into my little tummy.  But it just didn't make up for a bazillion days without my person.  Ah, man.  The dumb dog wants to talk about his little piffling "trauma."  Seriously.  I'm sure it can't compete with what I suffered. 

(You wouldn't leave an adorable friend like me, would you?)

Twixie the dog here.  It was so very hard.  I was all alone in the backyard of almost strangers.

                           (Me. Dodger.)  

I was there, too.  You weren't alone.   

Whatever, Dodger.  You don't count.  You're not my person.  Be a good boy and play dead.  I was ALL ALONE in that backyard for DAYS and DAYS.  A scary dog next door barked and barked and barked.  The annoying Pomeranian in my kennel ate all my food.  

Who could eat with my mommy gone?  

Shut up, Dodger.  That dumb dog ate all my food, leaving me starving and with water that tasted old.  But worst of all, my  person was gone.  It was dark and cold and dark.  And there was no mommy!  It was terrible.  But, now, we're home.  So it's good and wonderful and great again.  Life is beautiful! 

Yup yup yup.  

Shut up, Dodger.  

                                                  (Me, glaring because dogs are stupid.)

Shut up both of you.  Just 'cuz my person is back doesn't mean I have to forgive her right away.  She even had the nerve to come back smelling funky like fire and trees and rotten eggs.  Oh, and bacon.  She was clearly eating bacon without sharing.  I think she said something about Yellowstone.  I don't get what that means, but I won't forgive her in a hurry.  I'll let her snuggle me and feed me and snuggle me some more.  But I'm still pretty upset and bet you she'll leave me again soon. 

                                       (Humans?  Who needs humans?)

asdfdsg Mammalssss are pitiful.  We reptilesss do not need humanssss.  Mine returned and offered me a rat and some body heat, but I could live quite niccccely for daysss and daysss without a perssson.  jlkkl/

SHUT UP, KEYLIME PYTHON!!!  All us fluffy types agree that the snakey part of this blog needs to curl up in a corner somewhere and stop writing on my blog, especially with the way you have to slither across the keyboard , writing random crap to get there.    People should never abandon their innocent animals, not for four days or four hours.  Ever.  That's a way more important rule than how to feed me properly, like I talked about last week. 

Rule number one.  Never.  Leave.  The.  Cat. 

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