Sunday, April 22, 2018

Creepy Crawlies

(Me, being all the pet a person could want.)

Ruru the Cat here.  Crazy things have been going on in the cold-blooded end of the house.  I just don't understand why the people types around here even need reptiles when they have us, the warm fuzzies.  It is a mystery to me.  But humans are weird like that.  Oh, crap.  Here comes that stupid snake again.  I would roll my eyes, but I haven't figured out how. 

(The juvenile human ssssharing his body heat.)

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsdfsg Ssssorry about that.  Sssslithering acrosssss the keyboard tendssss to result in too many buttonssss pressssed.  Hello, there.  Thissss issss Key Lime Python again.  Thingssss are sssso good around here.  The male juvenile human haulsss me around, sssso I can ssssmell everything.  I know there are rodentssss.  I jusssst haven't found them.  He will wear me assss a hat or assss an armband or assss a necklaccccce.  Then, when I make it clear I am done, he putssss me back in my housssse, sssso I can hide in my sssssnake cave.  When I get hungry, the male juvenile feedssss me.  He no ssssooner offerssss me a rat then I ssssnap it up.  All issss right with the world. It issss not my drama the feline mentionssss.  It issss that of the lizardssss.  

(My fellow reptile, who moved into my old room.)

The bearded dragon has jussst moved into my old cage, which issss huge for her, though it was tiny for me.  Ssssshe is content.  The large leopard gecko issssss happy, too.  I just watched her ssssssshed.  

(This is what the larger leopard gecko looksss like.)

But the little leopard gecko got sssssick and could not catch cricketssss.  The large human female fed her by hand, but it wasssss not enough.  Sssshe did not make it.  It isssss a tragedy to losssse any reptile.  I know they are lesssser creaturessss to a large ssssnake like me, but thissss issss sssstill a tragedy.  The feline returnssss.  hljl;k/4354322. 

Ruru again.  Aw, come on, snake.  You seriously just stole my blog to talk about some wriggly little lizard?  At least we agree those lizards are lesser creatures.  They're PREY, not tragedy.  Now, a cat treat going to a dog.  That's a real tragedy.  Silly reptiles.  Blogs are for cats. 

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