Ruru the Cat here. I have been in the crappiest mood. Yeah, it doesn't help that my person left me day before yesterday and was gone until last night. That sucked. The dogs get so needy when they're gone. Oh, and my person leaves me. Yeah, they got upset at me for chewing into their bread before I discovered it had that nasty cinnamon stuff on it. Yeah, it sucks that I'm stuck with cats I don't like much in my house. That all is nightmare fuel. But that's not even my biggest trauma today.
No, why I was so grumpy all day was I busted a nail. Or really, more than one. I'm not even sure how it happened. It was just so high up that it hurt and made me feel just miserable. So when my person got home, I grumped and growled at her. This morning, she still hadn't fixed it, so I got even grumpier, growling and telling her to go away. She even did for a while but then came back. I mean, usually, I tell my person there's a problem and she fixes it. But she didn't even try this time. I hate feeling all girly and stuff, whining over a busted nail. But it went past the tip, so it HURTS. Almost worse than when one of the other cats slashed at my ear tip and cut it right off. This really sucks. I don't like it. It's uncomfortable, but worse yet, I just can't claw other cats and dogs when they get in my face. How can I be the boss around here without one of my primary weapons? People just can't understand the suffering.
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