Sunday, July 2, 2017

Bath Tub No No

Ruru the Cat here.  I never understood my human's capacity for cruelty until this very week when she showed me what an evil place the bathtub can be.  Sometimes, I'll sit on the edge and drink water from a dish they put there just for me.  Sometimes, they'll make it even better by refilling it directly from their warm bath water.  Sometimes, they'll hold up a handful of yummy, warm water and let me sip.  Once, when I got accidentally locked in that room, I had to use that drainage hole as my person-like potty.  A bathtub has even been a nice, friendly space to play.  But this week, the bathtub became a source of the deepest, darkest evil because my person gave me [insert sinister and scary music here] A BATH!!!!  I know, I know.  You think it's not possible that a human as sweet as mine could be that cruel.  But if you don't believe me, watch that video of nightmarish horror above.  I swear it will give you nightmares for weeks, so don't watch it if you are scared easily.

Instead of taking pity on me, my person laughed and rejoiced [if you can believe that] that I said the human word "no."  Of course, I can talk.  I can say a lot of things.  It's just beneath me to make human speech except in extreme emergencies.  And if there's an extreme emergency, it's a bath.  My person tried to apologize later by drying me in a towel, but it was too late.  I have seen that my person has a dark, twisted soul.  A bath.  Seriously.

Later yet, she tried to make the bathtub pleasant by filling it with mint and throwing a kitty party.  Everyone but me hopped right in and played in the wall to wall mint.  Well, you know what? You won't catch me in that bathtub ever again.  Not ever.  Because I have been scarred for life.

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