Sunday, August 28, 2016

She's Leaving Me!

Ruru the Cat here.  I had such a lovely summer.  I had my person here to love me and snuggle me every day.  She spent all day long patting me and holding me.  It was so nice.

Now, every day, she goes away in the morning and doesn't come back until hours and hours and hours later.  I keep hearing this nasty word "school."  I don't know what it is exactly, but I seem to remember bad things about it, like lots of kids patting me and no food anywhere and this long, awful car drive.  Terrible experience, this school stuff.  And it keeps stealing my person every day except for, like, two days at a time.  I don't get what that's about.  But I live for those days.  They're heaven.  My person is back on those days, spending all day long, holding me and snuggling me.  Curse you, school thing.  Give me my person back.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Ruru the Cat here.  The most awesome thing in the universe showed up in my house this week.  I don't know what it is exactly, but it's like a box but it's SOFT, so it's even better to sleep in.  We are constantly at war over the nifty thing.  Anytime anyone clears out of it, someone else gets in.  Even the stupid puppy, who is, by the way, too long and lanky to fit into it, takes a turn.  It's so cool.  Nowhere else in the universe [besides the arms of my person] feels quite so good.

Then I guess that stupid puppy decided it was hers.  Why?  I don't know.  Maybe because it smells like some other dog I've never met.  But she started gutting it like it was prey.  Little bits of fluff spread across the floor.  Seriously?  We all fell in love with this thing, and now you're chewing it up like it's some bone or treat?  I knew that dog was trouble.  And now, the people have disappeared the wonderful thing.  Just because the puppy made a mess with it.  Man, why ever did we get that puppy?

Monday, August 15, 2016


                                                             My person is so far away!

Ruru the Cat here.  My person left me for two days AGAIN.  Something about something called Bear Lake, and they all came back smelling like sand and water.  But really?  Does she not know what her leaving does to me?  It wasn't for as long, but still.  It's just not right.  People can be so thoughtless sometimes.

And worse yet, I keep hearing this nasty word "school."  My person and her brother don't seem so happy about that nasty word.  They keep saying the word "go."  I don't like that word.  I seem to remember a time a couple of months ago when my person disappeared ALL DAY every day and only showed up in the afternoon.  Why does my person have to keep going places?  It's a great house.  The whole house is full of warm fuzzies who like to cuddle.  Who needs anything else?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Another one!

Hi.  This is Ruru.  I'm a cat.  As if it's not bad enough that my person brought home a puppy, now, my person keeps coming in smelling of a new furry friend.  Seriously?  Am I not enough for her?  It doesn't smell like a dog or a chicken.  I know what those smell like.  It's definitely not a cat.  I've seen it out the window.  It's a weird thing.  It has the look of a siamese cat, tan with brown on the nose and paws.  The really weird thing about it is it doesn't have a proper tail, just a weird little ball or something where a tail goes.  And really long ears.  What is it?  They said something about "bunny," but I don't know for sure what that is.  It's cat sized, but it's NOT a cat.

My person doesn't bring it in here where I can look at it, or better yet, taste it.  I just don't quite understand why she needs all these furry things that aren't me.  Silly humans.  They don't make sense sometimes.

Monday, August 1, 2016


Ruru the Cat here.  My person left me!  Granted, it was only for three days, but it felt like three MILLION!  It brought all my nightmares to life, nightmares of being left, abandoned and alone!  I mean, they talked about going somewhere called "Yellow Stone," whatever that is.  I'm not so clear on what yellow is, and we don't get a lot of stones around here on the inside.  But I know what those are.  I think we have lots and lots of yellow stones around here.  I don't know why she had to leave me for three days to find yellow rocks.  I should have smelled a rat [but not in a good, yummy way] when my person filled our food dishes to the brim.  At the time, I figured she was just being really nice and finally getting a clue about how things SHOULD be around here.  I mean, I always want to eat myself senseless, but they only feed me enough food to fill my tummy, never enough to overfill it.  What are they thinking?  But then they LEFT.  She left.

Those three days were MISERABLE.  I was stuck with only the other cats as my company.  Granted, I dig the other cats.  But they don't hold me and rub my belly and tell me how adorably fat I am.  They also don't rearrange my face and make me dance to music, so it wasn't all bad.  It was also good they took those stinking dogs with them.  But still.  How could she LEAVE like that?

We always tease Scoutie, my brother who has been cat sat here for several months, when he sits around, pining for his people.  They visit sometimes but not enough for him.  He's such a WHINER.  But it was his turn to tease me when I spent all three days missing my person.  Now, I get it.  Living without your person sucks.  Now, I have her back.  I just hope she never does that again.