Tuesday, October 12, 2021


[My first mistake--letting this kitten live]

Ruru the Cat here.  We have more vermin. And I'm not just talking about the mouse. Those are fun. I can kill those.  My people won't let me touch these.  I'm talking about the K-word.  I HATE kittens. With a capital H-A-T-E.  I've told you before.  I let my people bring in one set. Not that they asked me, but suddenly, I had a kitten I was stuck with. I was okay with her. I licked her ears to show I was in charge, didn't I?  I didn't kill her, did I?  That was my first mistake. 

[Another kitten worm that has taken over my house, my room, and my person.]

Because then, my irresponsible humans brought in another set and another set and another set. They have periodically have kept one. Without even asking my permission. The nerve. Honestly. We went from one to two to three to four kittens kept just in a little over a year.  This is nuts!  

[What the pests look like when they're big enough to challenge you.]

Sunday, I was minding my own business when another army of pests showed up. I tried to hide in my special hidey-hole, the underwear drawer.  Mostly, I hide there to avoid the kittens who have gotten big enough to take my place and my food and chase me around. My people have all sorts of snide jokes about the kittens and my hidey-hole.  But that's okay.  It's my special hidey-hole, and it's comfortable.  But just at the wrong moment, when those beasties showed up, my people hauled out my hidey-hole.  I had nowhere to go to escape. 

[See me being merciful and not taking out the newest hairballs.]

Now, even hiding in my new hidey-hole, I smell them. I hear them.  Sometimes, they even invade places where I want to be.  They eat yummy food and milk that should be mine.  My people call them "foster kittens," which I hope means they plan on getting rid of them soon, so I don't have to.  Too much work, and I'd get in trouble.  I wish my people would remember whose house this is. Seriously. 

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