Sunday, December 6, 2020

I Stole Her Gym

[Me, discovering the tree for the first time.]

 Ha ha!  Mr. MeowMeow aka Quill aka Dude, kitten thief extraordinaire, first stole Ru's tree, and now, I stole her blog.  Yeah, I know, she already wrote one.  But then, she left it open.  Ru is wayyyy too uppity.  She thinks she owns the house and runs the world just because she's a cat.  Guess what?  I'm a cat, too.  Two can play at this game.  

[I'm in there somewhere, killing the sparkly baubles]

I spent all week long running up and down that awesome "jungle gym," knocking everything off I could.  I tug at one and then another, hoping to knock it off.  I was sad to see the most breakable ornaments get put back into a box.  That would have been super awesome fun to actually break stuff.  Instead, I just get to toss stuff off.  Each day, I challenge myself to toss off more stuff than I did the day before.  Tomorrow, I'll pull off the most things of all!  So, the people keep putting the things back on the tree.  It's my tree, and I will kill it!  I will keep tugging at the stubborn ones 'til they come off.  This is the best thing ever.  

[i'm not so sure of this.]

Paige:  are you sure we should, mr. meowmeow?  i mean, the people worked so hard on this tree.  they must like it the way it is.  

Me: Ah, sweet Paige, if they didn't want it to suffer, they shouldn't have made it so shiny and dangly.  They're practically begging me to dismember it.  Never have you seen a cat as happy as me.  I hope they leave this thing up all year long!  So it can die!  Again!  And again!  And again!

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