Sunday, October 25, 2020

My Little Friend

[Ru and me!]  

Bean: Hi.  I'm Bean the boy puppy.  Ruru said I could write her blog this week.   I like Ruru.  She will sometimes even sit by me or share my dog food with me.  She wants me to talk about this.  I'm not sure why.  She keeps saying she hates kittens.  But I keep seeing her be nice to Paige and Mr. MeowMeow, and she hasn't even killed the little ones, even though she calls them rats.  


[A kitten and me]

Not sure why.  I like those kittens.  They'll snuggle me and play with me.  Kittens make me happy except when they try to find food on me.  I'm not sure where I'd be hiding any food.  

Ru: They think you're the mama cat who can give them milk.  

Bean: Milk?  Ruru, I don't even have any milk.  Where would I put milk?  I like milk,  It's yummy.  Can you get me some milk? 

Ru: Never mind.  Tell them about the thing that happened.  

[Batman when we first got him]

Bean: Well, that little kitten, Batman, stopped moving around very much.  He stopped eating and started stumbling all over when he tried to move at all.  The people around here said when they took him somewhere that he fell in his water and couldn't push out.  My person mommy had to save him.  I didn't get what was going on.  

Ru: And that's a surprise how?  

[Snuggling him didn't fix it.  I don't get it. Snuggling fixes everything.]

Bean: Huh?  Anyway, so then, our people came back looking sad.  They said words like "vet" and "Feline Parvo," but it didn't make any sense to me.  I just saw that poor kitten who snuggled and played with me and shared his food with me got weaker and weaker and sicker and sicker until he stopped moving.  All in one day. 

[Getting him wet didn't break him, did it?]

He was fine one day, playing with my tail and my feet and looking for food, and then, he stopped moving and was all floppy.  My person mommy started crying and crying, but I don't know why.  Did he go to sleep, Ruru?  They took him out and didn't bring him back. 

Ru: No, little Bean, he's not asleep, and he's not coming back.  He died.  

Bean: What does that mean?  

Ru: Ask your person mommy, silly dog.    

[Ru looks sad here I think, but it's hard to tell.]

Bean: Ruru, you look sad.  I thought you didn't like kittens. It makes me sad to think my little buddy, Batman, might not come back.  Are you sure he's not coming back?  Ruru?  She walked away.  Well, that's the sad thing that happened this week.  

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