Sunday, August 2, 2020

Pom Family Reunion

[I'm happy with other people, but my favorite is my mommy.]

Hi!  I'm Bean!  They also call me Beanie Boo.  Not sure why.  I'm a puppy!  I stole Ru's blog 'cuz she left it open.  Have you noticed she's kinda grumpy?  I still love her like everyone here.  I just wish she'd let me play with her and chew on her a little.  It'd be fun!  

[I'll do anything to get to Mommy, even swim]

Anyway, so this amazingly awesome thing happened!  I thought it was so great that my people have started letting me swim in their pool, so I could rush to my mommy!  It's so hard to be away from her for even a minute.  I whine when she does crazy things like get in the tub or pool without me.  I mean, I don't like baths, but when I'm outside the tub, and she's inside, she's so FAR AWAY!

[Every kid wanted to play with us puppies.]

But something even more amazing happened!  My people took me on a campout with lots of people I kind of remembered.  I think they're friends or family or something.  Several of them smelled familiar.  I was just happy to be with my person, even though my father and mother Poms stayed home.  It was great to have my mommy just to me.  

[Me and my sisters.]

But better still, some of those people brought my sisters!  I got to play with my twin, Angel, and my baby sister, Cinnamon!  I haven't seen them in forever!  I love to play with them!  They're so much fun!  

[Where I belong.]

I didn't like it when my sisters tried to steal my food or when one of the little humans kept throwing stuff in my dish.  I also didn't like it when all the little humans kept grabbing me away from my mommy.  They kept dragging me farther and farther away from my mommy, which made me grumpy.  Doesn't everyone know I'm supposed to be on my mommy's shoulder?  That's the only place for a dog.  

[One of the loud yetis that barked all night long.]

I also didn't like the big, scary dogs Ru calls yetis some people brought.  I was afraid when we went to a big lake thingie that my mommy would throw me in the water and make me swim back.  I just don't like being away from her.  Oh, and the fire was kind of scary, but the meat they cooked over it was yummy.  And everything else about the trip was so great!  I loved it!  Oh, here's Ru.  

[Man, I hate it when they steal my blog.]

Man, dog, can't I even steal your dog food in peace without you stealing my blog?  Seriously.  Oh, so that's what you were up to when the humans ditched me with those stupid kittens again.  Meat sounds good.  But puppies?  Water?  Fire?  Small humans?  Yetis?  Blech.  I'd much rather stay here in peace where I can beat on anything that bugs me.  I'm not grumpy.  I just know what I like.  And getting chewed on and all that crap you thought was so wonderful?  Yeah, that's not it.  I just don't know why humans keep leaving home when I'm here.  After all, if you have a cat, what else matters?

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