Sunday, August 23, 2020


school bus
[The nasty thing comes]

 Ruru the Cat here.  I know the script.  Every fall, my person disappears into this terrible place called [scary music] SCHOOL!  It eats her alive every single day (except two random days put together) then spits her out exhausted and without any energy.  I don't know what they do there, but whatever it is must be horrible.  Torture?  A whole day without cats?  Oh, wait.  I repeat myself. 

cat and her human
[My human where she jammies and with me.]

But this time, it was a little different.  She was gone for a day, dressed up in something other than jammies, so I knew that nasty S-word was back again.  But then, she was back, hanging out with me again the next day.  Then a day later, she was gone again.  Then, the next day, she was back.  Those days she was with me, she stared at a computer, but that's nothing new. 

a cat
[The center of the world.]

I just don't get this weirdness.  I'm good with it because why would a human leave the house for that nasty school stuff when you've got a cat to love?  We are, after all, the center of the world.  I wonder if they forgot they were supposed to do this nasty school business every day.  Humans are strange that way.  They forget the things they used to think were important.  Forget away, humans, if it means I get my person here most days.  Some stuff about humans (like their forgetfulness, their food, their hands to pet me, stuff like that) are okay with me.  Carry on.  

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