Sunday, July 12, 2020

Whoohoo! Except...

[Goodbye, puppies.]

Ruru the Cat here.  Man, it's like these people can read my mind.  Or maybe my blog.  I wanted the puppies gone, and two of them disappeared like magic.  I'm still stuck with the other three, but they mostly leave me alone except when I try to steal their food out of their dish or make off with their bacon.  I guess there wouldn't be food or bacon given to them if they weren't here.  So I'll let them live.  I know, I know.  My kindness and bounty know no bounds. 

[Goodbye, kittens.]

And then, the kittens showed up, and I really wanted them gone.  I mean, the only thing worse than a puppy is a kitten.  Then, poof, they were gone.  Except the annoying little boy that whined his way into this house and then the smallest and fluffiest of the kittens.  I wondered if maybe she was so small they forgot to get rid of her, too.  I have hairballs bigger than that one.  And the real problem with her is that she seems to have adopted my person as her person, too.  That will never do.  I'm still wondering if I can find a way to get rid of her.  My person's number one commandment is thou shalt have no other cat.  And here's this little sneeze of a thing, taking up my spaces and drinking up my water.  We'll have to work on this last little problem.

[Goodbye, Sylvie.  Hallelujah!]
But the miracle didn't stop there, oh no.  I heard male voices outside, and my people dragged Sylvie out to meet whoever it was.  I thought I'd be able to get rid of that bully that very day, but apparently, she ran into the bushes.  They gave away Cass instead.  And Cass is the one I really didn't have any ego problems with.  A few days later, my people left with Sylvie, and she hasn't come back.  It sounds like Cass and Sylvie have left the party, too, leaving just me, that old lady Maya, and my brother, Toothless.  And the annoying little hairballs.  My house is finally peaceful.  Ish.  I just hope my people don't get any more bright ideas about who else needs to go.  If they look my way, I swear I'll hairball on 'em or bite them.  It's great that they got rid of all the annoyances in my house (okay, almost all), but they'd better not get uppity with me.  This is, after all, my house.  And I let them stay here.  Isn't that nice of me? 

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