Sunday, July 5, 2020

Out of the Freaking Frying Pan

[Get thee hence, puppy.]

Ruru the Cat here.  Now onto this week's blog.  I was so excited when I heard the itty bitty puppy Cinnamon was going somewhere else forever.  Nothing made me happier.  I felt like I was floating.  I was getting rid of a baby!  Whoo!  Now, if only I could figure out how to talk them into getting rid of the rest of the dogs, I'd feel like the world was a beautiful place.  

[I'll take my puppy back now.]

Well, she's gone, but it's not the great news I thought it would be.  Just before she went away, my people showed up with four kittens.  KITTENS.  They make a mess and tear through the food that should be mine.  And they're EVERYWHERE.  They're a wild force of nature like a tornado or a hurricane but worse.  Worse than yetis or toddlers or even other cats.  And I thought two puppies and ONE kitten were bad.  Gah.  I would say my house is going to the dogs, but it's worse than that.  It's going to the BABIES.  Can I box these kittens up and get my puppy back?

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