Monday, November 25, 2019

Fuzzy, Parasitic Worms

[Invader in my turf.  The name on the box next to me sums up my feeling on the matter.]

Ruru the Cat here.  I was gonna tell you all about how that monster, Sylvie or whatever her name is, was actually let out of that room to haunt the halls of my house.  Seriously.  You'd think my people would  know better.  Like I said, we have too many cats already.  By too many, I mean more than me.  Possibly Toothless.  But the rest are redundant.  I'm all anyone needs.  Anyway, I was gonna tell you all about that monster haunting my halls when the craziest thing happened. 

[The first worm that lived with the new dog in the background seeming to want this thing.]

Remember that annoying little lint-looking dog I mentioned a while ago?  That new one that replaced Twixie?  Well, I'm not sure how, but she actually popped some kind of parasitic worms out of her body.  I'm not sure what they are, but they look creepy and make a lot of noise.  They smelled like blood at first but now smell pretty clean. 

[The parasitic worm sucks.]

And they're sucking on the dog RIGHT now, and she doesn't seem to mind.  I don't get it.  If I had these big, parasitic worms sucking on me, I'd flip out.  It just seems so nasty and unhealthy. 

[The second parasitic worm.  Keep it away from me.]

Everyone seems to be fussing about them and cooing at them as if they weren't nasty, little parasites.  I've heard the word "puppies" used, but these can't be puppies.  They're more the size of a smallish rat.  They don't bark in any doggish way but squeal like a pig if you pull them away from that dog.  Don't they have medication for this sort of thing?  I hope I don't end up with parasitic worms like those.  *Shudder.*  I think I'll go slink off and beat on Sylvie, just to remind myself I'm thankful to be a cat. 

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