Saturday, October 5, 2019

Incredible Disappearing Dog

[The annoying thing in my house.]

Ruru the Cat here.  So I've been whining for almost a year about this dog that randomly appeared in my house.  She loves to chase me around.  She loves to steal MY dog food.  She'll steal my cat food and even my litter box leavings given half a chance.  She uses hands that should always pet me.  I've never trusted her because she frequently goes to that scary place called OUTSIDE.  It's a bad, cursed place.  A haunted, nightmarish place.  The few times I've been there, I've only had this opinion confirmed.  There is SNOW out there (sometimes).  There's WATER falling from the sky.  There are BIGGER, SCARIER dogs.  It's just not a good place.  And she willingly and happily goes there several times a day.  This does not speak well of her character.  She's been a serious problem child from the moment she stepped foot in MY house. 

[Me, blissfully content to have lost one dog.]

Well, I think she's gone.  I can't know this for sure because she was just here today.  But I've looked everywhere.  All her stuff is gone.  Her person is nowhere to be seen.  I'm pretty sure I overheard my people say her person was moving out.  I scarcely dare hope this means I don't have to deal with that DOG again.  But wouldn't it be wonderful?  Okay, so occasionally, my fuzzy throw rug dogs around here bark or chase me around.  But I can mostly slap them down or hiss them into submission if they oppose my dominance of the dog food and all the hands and treats I want.   If that Cali is gone, I can go back to my rightful place as queen of the house.  Now, if only all the cats would stop snickering when I say that and bow down like they should.  

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