Monday, August 20, 2018


(Where are they?) 

Ruru the Cat here.  My person left me forever!  One day, they were all there, and the next, they were just gone.  They've left before for a couple of days, sometimes even several days.  But this has been over a week, which in cat years is FOREVER AND EVER!!!!!

I don't know what I'm going to do if my people don't ever come back.  I mean, they did me the favor of disappearing the dogs, which is great.  But I want them back, especially my person.  They did send someone to check on us.  When I heard the door open, I was just sure it would be my people.  But it wasn't!  It was just the Others who sometimes visit but aren't mine. 

What do I do if my person doesn't show up?  I can't snuggle myself.  We're rapidly running out of the entire huge bucket of food they left for us.  The water is getting kind of stale and just not so yummy anymore.  I wonder if I can sneak into the boy's room and eat those lizards.  I wonder if I can find my way inside the sealed place where they keep meat cold.  I wonder if the dogs will come back so we can maybe eat them.  But most of all, I wonder when will my person come back?  Does she hate me now?  Oh, the horror!  I'm so traumatized I think I'll take a nap now. 

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