Sunday, May 6, 2018

Better Yet: Live Action Fishie Cracker!


Ruru the Cat here.  Oh, my crap, my person's room has gotten so very much better.  For one thing, it smells like beautiful fresh spring.  The window is open, so I can sit in the sun and feel the air.  I don't want to actually go outside.  Oh, no.  It's super duper scary out there with loud cars zipping around, other cats, predators everywhere, dogs... monsters all over.  No no.  But I love to sit and smell the air.  I can smell the cats and dogs and predators without actually being somewhere they can get me.  Toothless keeps trying to sneak in there to take my spot by the window, but it's MY SPOT.  

(Seriously mine!)

But that's not the best thing.  Last week, I told you about my precious fishie crackers and how the world is a sunnier, happier place with them in it.  Well, this week, my person brought home a fishie cracker that swims by itself.  All by itself!  Funny thing is it doesn't smell like a cracker.  It smells more like a can of tuna (which I love).  And it's shiny, bright, and goldish color.  I know it would taste like sort of a mix of tuna and fishie crackers, my two favorite things in the world, if only I could catch it.  But my person has a lid on it.  I mean, a lid.  The nerve.  You'd think she doesn't want me to eat this lovely piece of yumminess.  

Whyever would that be?  I mean, she loves me, right?  And I would love love love to have that yummy little bit.  She wouldn't deny me the thing I want most in the whole wide world, would she?  But she IS denying it to me.  Maybe she just doesn't understand how very much I want it, even though I sit between it and my lovely open window all the time to show exactly how very much I love both of these things.  One of these moments, my clueless person will get a clue and show how much she loves me.  I know it.  

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