Sunday, December 18, 2016

A THING in my house!

Ruru the Cat here.  I thought things were settling down.  Even Baby has admitted Harmoni the Puppy to the cats' club.  We've all snuggled her multiple times.  Baby pretends not to notice, but I do.  Harmoni's delighted.  She loves to be one of the cats. 

So just as things seemed to get quiet, and peace had settled upon our happy house of fuzzies, a new thing has entered.  I've scarcely gotten a glimpse or two, but it's gotta be bad.  Every chance she gets, Baby tries to kill it.  It smells like a cat but wilder, less like the rest of us.  The people talk about how she looks like me at least in the face, but I don't see it.  Then again, I don't see me ever, so what would I know?  I just know that she smells dangerous and mean and scary.  My person keeps going into the room where she was brought, and I can't help but get jealous.  My person is hobnobbing with a scary outsider.  It's just not right.  I wish I knew what she was doing here and hope she leaves soon.  

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