(Invaders in my house.)
Ruru the Cat here. Let me explain something to you little puff balls some call "puppies" who have invaded my house. I don't care if you are six inches tall but think you're a lot taller. You growl like you're so tough. You bark like you think anyone bigger than bunny slippers should fear you. I'm bigger, older, meaner than you. Put those little teeth away. I laugh in the face of your itty bitty claws. My tail is not afraid of you.
[You beasties playing with my toys.]
Those toys you like to play with? They're cat toys. MY toys. Those feathers you like to play with? They're MY feathers.
[My feathers and toys in MY room.]
The pipe cleaners you like to play with? They're mine, too. That dog food? I stole it fair and square. It's mine.
[Better you than me, kid.]
Now, the clothing humans like to stick us in? You can have that. All of it. Not kidding. Except maybe that one sweater, but we're not talking about that right now.
[Get thee hence, clothing.]
I'm nice, right? This is called sharing. Just remember to leave my feathers and fun stuff alone. Not kidding. It's mine. Fear me. Rar.
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