Sunday, September 15, 2019

Keep Your Person to Yourself

[My person turning to the wrong cat for love.]

Ruru the Cat here.  My brother, Toothless, has been upset with me recently.  He seems to think it's my fault my person has developed an unhealthy obsession with holding the wrong cat.  She's supposed to be holding ME all the time, but she's started to hold HIM as he sulks and whines in her arms.  He's so whiny.  I mean my person is a great person.  He won't even give her a chance, just because she held him and loved him or three whole days then dumped him as soon as she found me.  As far as I'm concerned, that's a personally rational response.  Who'd want my brother when she could have me? 

                                  [My person showing love.  And a mean streak]                                             

But now, my person can't get enough of picking up and holding Toothless as he sulks and whines all because he DOES sulk and whine.  He's decided my person's MOM is the only human who should be allowed to exist.  And MY person isn't good enough for him.  I get liking his person.  I enjoy getting my ears rearranged by the best ear-rearranger in the whole house.  But my person is wonderful, great, so sweet.  So she has a bit of a mean streak. 

[Still the wrong person.]

Really mean!  NOT kidding!  I do NOT want to be held by the wrong person!  My person is the older one.  She loves me, and I love her.  Everyone else is a waste of space.  

[I'm Cali!  I should only be held by my mommy!]

Toothless is right!  She keeps grabbing me, too!  I don't want Ru's person to hold me.  

[Me, Snow, wanting to be back with my mommy.]

Me, too!  She keeps grabbing me!  It freaks me out!  

[Me, Maya, after the cursed bath giver]

Ru, keep your person to yourself.  Not kidding.  

Ru:  Who asked you, dogs?  

Maya: I'm not a dog.  

You're not me, so close enough.   You other four-leggers, stay away from my person!  I had no idea everyone was stealing the love and worship I should have.  It's just not fair. 

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