[There is nothing funny about taking a cat's nap.]
[Okay, I can handle that.]
Now, I've researched this Easter egg stuff. I've also seen my humans wandering around my house, looking for egg-shaped plastic things with nasty sweet and citrusy stuff in them. And I still don't get it. What's the point? I mean, why hide the brightly colored objects even a blind kitten can see and smell, and why, then, bother to look for something that doesn't squeak or run away? When a cat hunts, she hunts with a purpose. To kill. Duh. Whatever other purpose can there be? And, somehow, in spite of eggs coming from a bird, there's supposed to be a rabbit involved. Cracked me up when that goofy dog I live with got stuck wearing bunny ears, but it's just not cool when you do it to a cat.
[Why? Just why?]
Humans just don't make sense. I'm not sure why we cats try to figure you humans out at all. Mostly, it just gives us a headache. 'Cuz you keep putting crazy crap on our heads.
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