Sunday, February 18, 2018

Ding Dong, the Yeti's Gone

(Beware the big, white, slobbery yeti!)

Ruru the Cat here.  Remember how I've been complaining all about this big, huge, scary dog that looks like a yeti and eats all the dog food in the house and then some? 

The thing was a monster, I tell you, a monster.  It would bounce around to all the people, taking all the love that should go to me.  It would shed all over, leaving its scary scent everywhere.  It would ignore me when I hissed at it to tell it this is MY house, MY space, MY dog food.  It even jumped up to steal food out of someone's hand.  Seriously?  Wait until they put the meat in front of ME.  That's what the meat is for. 

Now, I can wait for food to be dropped in my kitchen without worrying about the monster.  When the yeti was in my house, I couldn't even stick around because it would bound everywhere and sniff anyone's butt it could.  Who wants a dog nose in your butt?  It's bad enough with Twix, and his nose is SMALL.  I mean, there are teeth right there with that nose.  That would put teeth RIGHT BY MY BUTT.  Just no. 

Well, anyway, so the monster disappeared this week.  I think my people (MINE, not HERS) took it back to live with Scoutie and their people this week.  That's what I heard, anyway.  I could have taken her in a fair fight, I swear, except all the other cats in the house seem to LIKE her.  No accounting for taste. 

(Tail end of the yeti.  Get it?)

Anyway, so now, I get the dog food to myself because what passes for dogs around here don't eat much.  There's no Scoutie or yeti to steal it.  I don't have to be chased around by a big, white monster.  My house (and my butt) are my own again.  Whew.  So happy to see the tail end of that nightmare (pun intended).  And don't come back, yeti!

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