Sunday, September 3, 2017

"School" Is a Naughty Word

                                                           (How life is supposed to be)

Ruru the Cat here.  So when my person disappeared for a few days last week, talking about that terrible S word, "school," I hoped it was kind of a fluke or a joke or something.  I remembered that I didn't like that word for a reason.  But for weeks and weeks and weeks, my person has been holding and loving me.  She's been there for me whenever I wanted her.  Now, she leaves me for hours at a time, and I hear that awful S word a lot, both before she leaves and when she comes back.  I'm stuck looking for attention from my person's mom, and she's so busy that I don't get all the attention I crave.

I've tried and tried to imagine what "school" means.  I know one time, I had a horrible experience of getting dragged into what they called a "school."  I was stuck in a cage while everyone around me ate yummy smelling food.  Is that what school means?  That you get stuck in a trap all day and sit around, wondering what exciting things you're missing out on?  I can't imagine what's so exciting and wonderful that it's more important than sitting around and holding me.

I wish I could convince my person that doing anything but holding me is a waste of time.  She's smart.  I betcha if I tried really hard, I could do it.  Now, if only I could speak person.

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