Sunday, January 29, 2017

People are Despicable.

Ruru the Cat here.  Baby's been bugging me to let her take over my blog for a day.  I was going to let her this time.  Except this week, my person has done something so horrible, so rotten, so mean that I just have to let off some steam about this.  It's worse than going to school and leaving me.  It's worse than tossing me into the snow.  It's worse than anything I can imagine.  It's worse even than letting a dog or a toddler into my house.  She's started to chase me down and put me into clothing.

Seriously?  I already suffered through the season people call Halloween.  I thought I was finally through with this humiliation.  Then she started putting me in a bee costume and calling me Beeboo.  She likes to call me Boo, which is okay.  Better than that dumb nickname "Charlie" or whatever she called me for a while.  So now it's Beeboo.  Except her brother thought it was funny to switch it around and call me Boobee.  But really, the worst part is that she thinks it's funny to put me in clothes.  I figured out how to get out of that stupid bee costume pretty quickly.

And then she put me into this ridiculous sweater with a hood.  Do I look like I want to wear person clothing?  I mean, I have my own glorious fur coat.  I do NOT need person clothing or silly nicknames.  Seriously, person mine, next time you're in the mood to put somebody in ridiculous clothing, just go dress yourself.  I said last week that people are sick.  This just proves it.

                                      (Not the face of someone who likes to play dress up.)

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