Monday, January 14, 2019

Squawkie Talkie

[Yeah, I look all cozy with this hellish instrument of cat ear destruction, but my people posed me with it while I was asleep.  They really are that perverse.]

Ruru the Cat here.  Oh, my crap.  Can humans get more annoying?  Over the weekend, my person got a squawkie loud little box that screams and yells and has voices coming out of it.  It hurts my ears EVERY SINGLE TIME.  She seems to find it fascinating and talks right into it, too, to encourage whoever is at the other end to talk back.  Actually, it's more than one voice.  And they're all annoying.

I'm not easily scared (except by that crazy newish dog in my house or by big dogs that sometimes invade or by cars or the outside or cats I don't know or the mirror or the bath tub...okay, so maybe I'm easily scared.  But don't tell anyone I said so.)  But this thing freaks me out and drives me NUTS.  It hits this pitch that makes all my hair stand on end.  I want to kill it like a mouse, but it's made of hard black plastic and seems unphased by my attacks.  It's just not fair that humans can come up with all these crazy ways to drive cats nuts.  Friendly reminder: if you're looking for a new and clever way to drive your cats nuts, just walk away.  Your cats, the benevolent rulers of this world, will take that as a sign that we should let you live.

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