[My tree. Mine]
Ruru the Cat here. A year ago and a year before that, we had this big green thing that smelled like plastic in my house. It was supposed to resemble a tree, but it wasn't really one. This year, it smells funky and is at least twice as fat. Pretty sure it really is a tree. In my house. And I've claimed it. It's mine. Anyone who wants it has to get through me to get it.
[Turn your back for one second, and someone else wants to claim your tree.]
Every other furry thing in the house wants to lay claim to this awesomeness that is my tree. My person wants to lock me away in rooms to make it easy to find me later. She doesn't seem to realize this keeps me away from my awesome tree in which I want to play all day and all night. Other creatures think they can claim it. For instance, in the picture above, the delusional Cassie thinks she can play with my tree. I'll have to beat her later for daring to touch it. The dogs keep playing under it. The other cats just want to climb it. But IT'S MY TREE!!!
[Then, it got even better.]
I thought it was as awesome as a tree could get. Huge. Green. Highly killable. Then, the people put all sorts of shiny, bright baubles on it. Dangly spangly things that I can stalk and maim. My people must love me. I think it's tree murdering time.